Every body wants to make money online. One of the most trusted and attractive method of earning online is the adsense offered by the Google. To use this program, one must have own website or own blogs hosted in the blogger or other hosting websites and also should have approved Google adsenese account. Google pays almost 67% of of the revenue to its users. The every clicks generated in the Google adsense will have a CPC (Cost per Click) and vary for each click. Usually it will from $0.01 to $0.25 or even more. Some high paying ads will have the CPC even upto $100. So if you want to earn some quick bucks with less clicks, you must concentrate on some high paying keywords. Google ads will be shown based on the keywords used in the contents of your websites. Have a look at the following keywords and their related CPC.
Insurance - Top CPC for this keyword is $54
Loans - Top CPC for this keyword is $44
Mortgage - Top CPC for this keyword is $47
Attorney - Top CPC for this keyword is $47
Credit - Top CPC for this keyword is $36
Lawyer - Top CPC for this keyword is $42
Donate - Top CPC for this keyword is $42
Degree - Top CPC for this keyword is $40
Hosting - Top CPC for this keyword is $31
Claim - Top CPC for this keyword is $45
Conference Call - Top CPC for this keyword is $42
Trading - Top CPC for this keyword is $33
Software - Top CPC for this keyword is $35
Recovery - Top CPC for this keyword is $42
Transfer - Top CPC for this keyword is $29
Gas/Electricity - Top CPC for this keyword is $54
Classes - Top CPC for this keyword is $35
Rehab -Top CPC for this keyword is $33
Treatment - Top CPC for this keyword is $37
Cord Blood - Top CPC for this keyword is $27
Apart from this, if you focus on writing about medical and medical instruments, you will have the chance to get high CPC ads in your contents! So be focused on high paying keywords, and enjoy the benefits derived from them.
Insurance - Top CPC for this keyword is $54
Loans - Top CPC for this keyword is $44
Mortgage - Top CPC for this keyword is $47
Attorney - Top CPC for this keyword is $47
Credit - Top CPC for this keyword is $36
Lawyer - Top CPC for this keyword is $42
Donate - Top CPC for this keyword is $42
Degree - Top CPC for this keyword is $40
Hosting - Top CPC for this keyword is $31
Claim - Top CPC for this keyword is $45
Conference Call - Top CPC for this keyword is $42
Trading - Top CPC for this keyword is $33
Software - Top CPC for this keyword is $35
Recovery - Top CPC for this keyword is $42
Transfer - Top CPC for this keyword is $29
Gas/Electricity - Top CPC for this keyword is $54
Classes - Top CPC for this keyword is $35
Rehab -Top CPC for this keyword is $33
Treatment - Top CPC for this keyword is $37
Cord Blood - Top CPC for this keyword is $27
Apart from this, if you focus on writing about medical and medical instruments, you will have the chance to get high CPC ads in your contents! So be focused on high paying keywords, and enjoy the benefits derived from them.